Brushing Teeth with children under the spectrum

Brushing teeth with kids under the Spectrum can be a challenge, but the right health products  make a huge impact. You'll likely find them clenching their teeth when they see a toothbrush or toothpaste coming close. Don't fret-- there're specific oral hygiene items available to help your little one maintain good oral hygiene.


Because many children don't like the flavor or texture of toothpaste, dentists recommend going as naturally as possible. Toothpaste without added flavor or color is best for brushing teeth. Many don’t like strong mint or cinnamon flavors. Toothpaste with a mild taste that can easily be rinsed away is often the best choice for anyone with sensitivities to strong flavors and unfamiliar textures. 

For children that struggle with the texture of traditional kinds of toothpaste, dentists recommend gels or toothpaste for kids that are designed specifically without a gritty texture. Gel toothpaste is no different than other toothpaste on the market, and they come in many different flavors.

They may not like the feel of the brush on their teeth either. You can solve this problem by providing a toothbrush with very soft bristles or even an electric toothbrush—some children with autism enjoy the vibrations.


Another option for children with sensory issues is to use training toothpaste— the type that’s frequently used by toddlers. These pastes often don't have any fluoride, and they typically have very little flavor. The only issue is that the lack of fluoride can be a problem for some children’s teeth.

Brushing teeth with a child under the spectrum may take some trial and error, and it can take time to find the best products, as each child is unique and has their own preferences. Dentists recommend experimenting with different toothbrushes and toothpaste until the child starts to brush their teeth on a regular basis. Good oral hygiene will lead to fewer dental problems in the future, so don’t wait to get started. Shop quality autism supplies at Bright Autism!

What has been your experience with toothpastes?


Dr. Stephen Branam

I am Dr Steve Branam, a pediatric dentist in Ohio, who has developed and used a tooth paste and tooth gel specifically formulated for patients with autism and special needs people with sensory issues. It is a bubble gum flavor which my patients love. The key ingredient is XYLITOL which is effective and safe to swallow. It is easy to find on the internet by searching my name and xylitol. My patients and caregivers “love it.”

Omer El-Hamdoon

Thank you for this nice article. As a dentist, I often get patients with autism; and it is important to provide them with the necessary advice. I haven’t seen the toothbrush in your feature image, before; and I would definitely look into it.

I have also written a short article about Autism Dental Care:


Any ideas for a toothpaste or brush for a child with texture issues that’s also allergic to coconut and it’s derivatives?!

Elizabeth Lafleur

Bubble gum or fruity flavor.

Suzy Vardy

I found a toothpaste that’s coconut oil..hardly any smell or flavour.

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