Simple Resolutions For Parents With Autistic Children


It is that time of year again when people start making resolutions that they probably will not keep. Making goals is a good thing. Goals give you something to work towards. It makes you feel good to know that you have accomplished or reached a certain goal.
Autism can be such an adjustment for families. Parents raising a special needs child often feel like they are not doing anything right. They feel like they are failing daily to meet the needs of their children.
Their New Years' resolutions are often to be better parents. But instead, they should prioritize being better to themselves. And there are four ways this can happen.

  • Self-care: Make yourself a priority

Taking care of yourself is crucial to your mental and physical health. How can you be the best parent possible if you are rundown mentally and physically? The more relaxed you are, the more you will be able to focus on your children. Self-care can consist of taking time for a nice relaxing bath once a week. A spa day. Or maybe prioritizing your physical health and working out every day or a few times a week. Self-care is taking time for yourself to do the things you love. Whatever they might be.

  • Give Yourself The Credit You Deserve

Autism can be hard to deal with, no matter where your child is on the spectrum. If you made it through the year, give yourself credit because parenting is not easy. Instead of examining and focusing on everything that went wrong or what you could have done better, focus on what worked. Focus on the good.
Because of you, your child’s daily and personal needs are being met with care and love.
  • Utilize local resources & Accept Help

Accepting help can be hard. It can be difficult for everyone, not just parents dealing with Autism. But no man is an island, or at least they shouldn’t be. You can not do this alone. In fact, feeling like you are alone and not having anyone you can turn to can stress you out even more and only make things difficult. But talking to other parents, joining support groups can help you. Accepting help when you are feeling run down or are confused about something or need ideas or guidance will be beneficial, and it may take some of the stress off of you.

  • Lighten Up

It is easier to be hard on yourself than not. When you feel yourself getting negative, take a step back. Remember, everyone has bad days. That is normal. Parenting a child is hard. A bad day does not define who you are as a parent. Take a deep breath and start over. You are doing the best you can, and that is all you can do. And that is enough.


  • It’s been a long journey with autism. My daughter of 15 years now sometimes you wish it never be but here you are battling on how to deal with the problem. Please I really want to know how I can get some help for her.

    Ngozi Queen Olu-Obadina
  • As a parent of a child on the spectrum I can definitely resonate with this, AND my New Years resolution changed this year from wishing to be a better parent to focusing on my health. I’m always going to want to be a better parent that still hasn’t changed but without me here to assist Chase it’s a really terrifying thought.

    Naomi Yates

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