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Color games and activities for children with autism  

It is All Fun and Games. 

Autism can affect each child differently, some are farther on the spectrum than others might be. But, something that most of them struggle with is interacting with others. 

As a parent of an autistic child, you may feel at a loss of how to help them gain some of these skills.


It is not a secret that most children in general learn most of their social skills and interactions at home with their parents. Mostly in the form of games and activities, which can be learning colors, counting, and even words to better communicate with the world around them. As parents, it is important to have a few ideas for you to do at home. During the pandemic we have all been facing it can be incredibly difficult to get your child the support they need. 

By engaging them in different activities we can help them learn through us and hopefully have a little fun along the way. A color learning activity doesn’t have to be extravagant, here are some ideas for activities you and your child will for sure enjoy.

Ice cubes.

Allow your children to participate in the preparation of the activity. You will need:

  • an ice tray
  • popsicle sticks
  • food coloring
  • paper
  • and possibly some plastic wrap.

Parents, you will need to allow your children to choose the colors, you may supervise the activity, but let them pick. Then place the ice cube tray into the freezer and wait for it to freeze. While it is freezing you may discuss with them what colors they chose and the need to let it freeze. With the leftover popsicle sticks, you can practice another game, shape making!

Shape Making.

You can start off with however many you want and see how many shapes you can make. While making the shapes be sure to turn it into a fun game, build houses, kites, and maybe stop signs. Then pick a few, glue them to the paper and paint them in later. You can make most things during the day into a game, for example.

Eye spy at the supermarket.

Can your child point out a red box? How about something yellow? Can they tell you what shape the cheese block is? Or what color the milk is? 

The most important thing to do with your child who has autism helps them gain knowledge in a way they are able and comfortable with. Not all games or activities that others may tell you about will work for your child(ren). Make sure you listen, observe and see what works best. You are the best advocate for your child's needs.

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