Bye bye school year!. Activities to close the school year

We always look forward to the end of the school year. It gives us an opportunity to look back and review what we have achieved with our classes. It is a time to evaluate our efforts and the outcomes.

This year has been especially a challenging one. We have been forced to do things differently from other years. That is because the world is going through a very challenging time that has forced people to change how they do things. We have had to adapt our plans and schedules in line with the circumstances we face.

Despite all the challenges of this peculiar school year, it is still important that we end it with some fun activities. A few activities can help create and refresh memories. They can also help your kids recollect what they have been learning throughout the year.

Egg Drop

This can be a really interesting activity to have with your kids. Apart from being exciting, it can also be educational. It can help children with autism learn to take care and protect things. The idea of this activity is to let the children create some protection for the egg so that it does not break when it falls. It allows them to be as creative as possible. The game also helps kids with autism learn how to develop solutions for problems they face.
For this activity, you will need hard boiled eggs. Each child will then have to create a container that will insulate the egg when it falls so it does not break. Once they have put their eggs into the containers they created, you then drop the eggs from the highest point possible. Depending on the containers, some of the eggs will break while others survives. The kids will be excited to see the outcome of their protective ‘housing’.

Learning Games

Learning games can be a fun way to wind up the school year. Some games are pretty awesome, yet they have powerful learning outcomes. For example, storytellers is a game that helps kids to develop their literacy skills. This game involves cards that have sentences that the children read out loud. Each student kid has a turn to pick a card and read what is on it. Some of the sentences will crack the kids and they sure will have a great time.
The last week of school can often go into extremely hot days… During that week, hold a Water Fun themed day!
Have your children bring their swimsuits and towels and outside for an hour or two and take part in a variety of “water” stations. 
Stations could include:
  • Beach volleyball: a basketball hoop in a small child’s swimming pool
  • Obstacle course: (Go through a sprinkler, over hurdles, through tires, etc.
  • Sprinkler limbo or sprinkler jump-rope: Use the flat hoses with holes in them and jump rope or have a Limbo line



  • Whip together 8 ounces of softened cream cheese and 1/4 cup of seedless strawberry or raspberry jam.
  • Lightly spread the mixture on flour tortilla, then roll up each sandwich diploma style and tie on a ribbon. Makes 4 to 6 sandwiches


  • Place a miniature peanut butter cup–bottom up on a plate.
  • Top with a small dollop of frosting or peanut butter and then press on a chocolate-covered graham cracker.
  • For a tassel, tightly roll up a small square of fruit leather.
  • Cut fringe on one end and attach the other end to the center of the graham cracker with another dab of frosting or peanut butter.

Although the year has been difficult, these games are bound to give it a fun ending.



Los juegos de aprendizaje muy interesante ayuda al su desarrollo de alfabetización, los bocados de fin de año me gusta para que pruebe sus habilidades culinarias que mi hijo le encanta tocar sentir texturas ,excelentes métodos a mi me parecen perfecto Gracias

Mary Jo Salmen

hi my nieces son is 2 autistic i have heard earphones helps. them. info. please.

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